Christina Mild's "Rio Delta Wild." Articles on LRGV Native Plants.

Re-edited from articles published in the Saturday edition, Valley Morning Star, Harlingen, TX.

Index by Date

Index, alphabetic

Articles are posted and grouped biannually according to publication date:

Jan-June 2003

July-Dec 2003

Jan-June 2004

LRGV Vines

Arroyo Hike/Bike

Ramsey Pk Map

Related LINKS beyond this site.....




Rio Delta Wild is no longer being published by the Valley Morning Star, where it appeared on Saturday mornings from March 1995 to March 4, 2000.
It is my goal to expand and improve this website by posting all past articles with color photo illustrations.
In the interim, if you need information on a plant I've written about in the past, please send me a query by e-mail. I'll send you photos and data if at all possible.

"Rio Delta Wild" is a 5-year series of articles about native plant species occurring in the four southern-most counties of Texas. Known as the Lower Rio Grande Valley (LRGV), this area includes the historic river delta of the Rio Bravo.

This geographic area is biologically diverse. Many native plant and animal species occur nowhere else in the U. S. Defined as the Matamoran District of the Tamaulipan Biotic Province, many of the plant species occurring in the LRGV are more abundant to the south and to the northwest in Mexico.

"Rio Delta Wild" aims to protect and enhance existing plant diversity in the LRGV, thus promoting diverse animal populations, be they native or migratory species.

Use of this material for educational purposes is encouraged. Other use requires permission of the author.

Contact the author/webmistress at: Christina Mild's e-mail.

12/01/2009 06:27 PM

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